Josh's Birthday

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This monday was Josh's birthday. Tammie and I decided it would be fun to surprise him, so they drove up on sunday and I had Josh take the dogs to the park so they could be waiting for him when he got back. We had such a fun time playing the games Josh got for his birthday, and we ate some yummy pizza, chicken wings and, of course, cake. Happy 25th Joshy!!

On Josh's actual birthday we didn't do too much since we had celebrated the night before. We had eggnog french toast and bacon for breakfast. When the family left Josh and I took the dogs for a hike up green canyon. We had wanted to shoot his 22, but target shooting wasn't allowed so we settled for a hike and laughing at the puppies being silly in the snow. (note keisha's frozen beard below) We found a cave so of course we had to climb up into it.